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This task requires you to implement an interest-based emergent literacy project with a small group of children (between three-five children in total between the ages of three and five years). Ensure you obtain parental permission. The project should be implemented over a period of time (i.e. not all on one day) and you should allow at least five weeks to plan, implement and write-up this assessment task.

To implement your emergent literacy project, you will need to:

1. Document the children’s interests to determine an appropriate story/picture book to read to the group as the starting point for your project. Consider how you will present and read the storybook to draw the children’s attention to concepts of literacy.

2. Based on the themes introduced in the book, plan and implement four (4) play-based learning experiences that focus on developing the children’s language and literacy while allowing them to learn more about their topic of interest. These experiences should introduce opportunities for talk, new vocabulary and print materials to encourage emergent literacy (oral, visual and written) understandings in the children. Your experiences should consider early childhood pedagogical practices and be mindful of the role you will play in extending the children’s literacy during the implementation of the experiences.

3. During the project, record/document your planning process and the children’s interactions (child:child and adult:child) during the learning experiences. You can document the children’s experiences and your own decision-making processes through the use of whatever recording method/s you prefer. Some possibilities include a diary, photographs and examples of children’s drawing/writing or artefacts. You should document the children’s responses which indicate how the project might contribute to their emergent literacy. A selection of this material should be included as an appendix, and referred to throughout your discussion, as outlined below.

4. Prepare and submit a written report on your project, following the guidelines below:

· Introduce your project – discuss your understanding of emergent literacy, how your project incorporated opportunities to enhance the children’s language and literacy and why the theme/topic of the project was appropriate for this group of children (approx. 250 words).

· Describe and discuss each learning experience (including the initial experience of reading the storybook) and provide a rationale for their inclusion in your project. Also think about why you planned the particular learning experience – what literacy concepts and EYLF outcomes were you aiming to achieve? What emergent literacy skills did the children demonstrate? What was your role in extending the children’s emergent literacy during the learning experience? Your discussion should be thoughtfully substantiated by reference to a range of relevant (current) literature and linked to examples from the documentation included in your appendix. Do not include all documentation collected throughout your project – just those examples you use to support your discussion (approx. 300 words for each experience – Appendix items do not count in the word limit).

Conclude your report with an evaluation and reflection on your project. Consider what worked well and not so well, what you can conclude generally about developing children’s emergent literacy, what you can conclude specifically about your ability to extend children’s emergent literacy and what you might need to think about for your future practice as an educator in enhancing children’s emergent literacy development (approx. 250 words).

The maximum length of this task is 2000 words (excluding the appendix). Work submitted beyond 10% of the required word limit will attract a 10% penalty.


The customised text for EML302 titled ‘Investigation of literacy in the early years’ published by Oxford University Press is available from the Co-op online bookshop at http://www.coop.com.au/books/investigation-of-literacy-in-the-early-years-eml302/custom-publication/9780195588460?___store=bks

Early Years Learning Outcomes (EYLF)

Halliday (2004, cited in Hill, 2012)

Chapter 1 ‘An Overview of Language and
Learning’ from Emmitt, Zbaracki, Komesaroff & Pollock (2010). Language & Learning. An
introduction for teaching (5th ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Bickley, M. (2008). Building a partnership with your child care service – an NCAC Factsheet for families. National Childcare Accreditation Council.

Bruce, T. & Spratt, J. (2011). Essentials of literacy from 0-7 years: A whole-child approach to communication, language and literacy (2nd ed.). London: Sage

Emmitt, M., Zbaracki, M., Komersaroff, L. & Pollock, J. (2010). Language and learning: An introduction for teaching (5th ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press

Fellowes, J. & Oakley, G. (2010). Language, literacy and early childhood education. Melbourne: Oxford University Press

Harris, P. (2009). Language learning in the baby and toddler years. Terrigal, NSW: David Barlow Publishing.

Kearns, K. & Austin, B. (2007). Frameworks for learning and development. Sydney, NSW: Pearson Educational

Neaum, S. (2012). Language and literacy: For the early years. Exeter: Learning Matters.

Queensland Studies Authority. (2011). Supporting Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children who speak languages other than English. Retrieved from http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_esl.pdf


Well structured and coherent report with a tertiary standard of writing and referencing (10%)

PASS- The report begins with a generally clear introduction. Lack of clarity in places. Text structure may lack clear organisation. Minor spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Mostly consistent approach to citation and referencing with few errors.

CREDIT – Report begins with a coherent and sound introduction. Ideas are clearly articulated using accurate sentence structure. Text structure is clearly organised. Consistent approach to citation and referencing with few errors.

DISTINCTION – Report begins with a well structured and clear introduction. High level of accuracy and control in articulation of ideas. Logical and coherent text structure. Consistent approach to citation and referencing. Logical and consistent structure

HIGH DISTINCTION – Report begins with an extremely well structured, engaging and succinct introduction. High level of accuracy and control in articulation of ideas. Logical and coherent text structure. Sustained evidence of correct citation and referencing.

Discussion of learning experiences demonstrates:knowledge and understanding of emergent literacy concepts,ability to effectively plan for emergent literacy in children,connections with subject content and evidence from documentation (30%)

PASS – A generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:
a developing understanding of most key emergent literacy concepts;basic knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing some appropriate learning experiences; some well integrated and substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation. reflects a developing understanding of most key concepts and explicit metalanguage of the subject, and includes some well integrated and substantiated connections between examples from language samples and relevant literature

CREDIT – A generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:a sound understanding of most key emergent literacy concepts;sound knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing mostly appropriate learning experiences; some explicit, perceptive and well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation. reflects a sound understanding of most key concepts and explicit metalanguage of the subject, andincludes some explicit, perceptive and well substantiated connections between examples from language samples and relevant literature.

DISTINCTION – A thorough and generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:a thorough understanding of all key emergent literacy concepts;comprehensive knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing a range of appropriate learning experiences; explicit, perceptive, integrated and generally well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation.

HIGH DISTINCTION – A well synthesised and articulated discussion, demonstrating:a deep understanding of all key emergent literacy concepts;exceptional knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing a range of appropriate learning experiences; explicit, insightful, well integrated, perceptive and well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation.

Effectively evaluates the project and articulates implications for future practice for enhancing children’s emergent literacy development(10%)

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This task requires you to implement an interest-based emergent literacy project with a small group of children (between three-five children in total between the ages of three and five years). Ensure you obtain parental permission. The project should be implemented over a period of time (i.e. not all on one day) and you should allow at least five weeks to plan, implement and write-up this assessment task.

To implement your emergent literacy project, you will need to:

1. Document the children’s interests to determine an appropriate story/picture book to read to the group as the starting point for your project. Consider how you will present and read the storybook to draw the children’s attention to concepts of literacy.

2. Based on the themes introduced in the book, plan and implement four (4) play-based learning experiences that focus on developing the children’s language and literacy while allowing them to learn more about their topic of interest. These experiences should introduce opportunities for talk, new vocabulary and print materials to encourage emergent literacy (oral, visual and written) understandings in the children. Your experiences should consider early childhood pedagogical practices and be mindful of the role you will play in extending the children’s literacy during the implementation of the experiences.

3. During the project, record/document your planning process and the children’s interactions (child:child and adult:child) during the learning experiences. You can document the children’s experiences and your own decision-making processes through the use of whatever recording method/s you prefer. Some possibilities include a diary, photographs and examples of children’s drawing/writing or artefacts. You should document the children’s responses which indicate how the project might contribute to their emergent literacy. A selection of this material should be included as an appendix, and referred to throughout your discussion, as outlined below.

4. Prepare and submit a written report on your project, following the guidelines below:

· Introduce your project – discuss your understanding of emergent literacy, how your project incorporated opportunities to enhance the children’s language and literacy and why the theme/topic of the project was appropriate for this group of children (approx. 250 words).

· Describe and discuss each learning experience (including the initial experience of reading the storybook) and provide a rationale for their inclusion in your project. Also think about why you planned the particular learning experience – what literacy concepts and EYLF outcomes were you aiming to achieve? What emergent literacy skills did the children demonstrate? What was your role in extending the children’s emergent literacy during the learning experience? Your discussion should be thoughtfully substantiated by reference to a range of relevant (current) literature and linked to examples from the documentation included in your appendix. Do not include all documentation collected throughout your project – just those examples you use to support your discussion (approx. 300 words for each experience – Appendix items do not count in the word limit).

Conclude your report with an evaluation and reflection on your project. Consider what worked well and not so well, what you can conclude generally about developing children’s emergent literacy, what you can conclude specifically about your ability to extend children’s emergent literacy and what you might need to think about for your future practice as an educator in enhancing children’s emergent literacy development (approx. 250 words).

The maximum length of this task is 2000 words (excluding the appendix). Work submitted beyond 10% of the required word limit will attract a 10% penalty.


The customised text for EML302 titled ‘Investigation of literacy in the early years’ published by Oxford University Press is available from the Co-op online bookshop at http://www.coop.com.au/books/investigation-of-literacy-in-the-early-years-eml302/custom-publication/9780195588460?___store=bks

Early Years Learning Outcomes (EYLF)

Halliday (2004, cited in Hill, 2012)

Chapter 1 ‘An Overview of Language and
Learning’ from Emmitt, Zbaracki, Komesaroff & Pollock (2010). Language & Learning. An
introduction for teaching (5th ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Bickley, M. (2008). Building a partnership with your child care service – an NCAC Factsheet for families. National Childcare Accreditation Council.

Bruce, T. & Spratt, J. (2011). Essentials of literacy from 0-7 years: A whole-child approach to communication, language and literacy (2nd ed.). London: Sage

Emmitt, M., Zbaracki, M., Komersaroff, L. & Pollock, J. (2010). Language and learning: An introduction for teaching (5th ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press

Fellowes, J. & Oakley, G. (2010). Language, literacy and early childhood education. Melbourne: Oxford University Press

Harris, P. (2009). Language learning in the baby and toddler years. Terrigal, NSW: David Barlow Publishing.

Kearns, K. & Austin, B. (2007). Frameworks for learning and development. Sydney, NSW: Pearson Educational

Neaum, S. (2012). Language and literacy: For the early years. Exeter: Learning Matters.

Queensland Studies Authority. (2011). Supporting Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children who speak languages other than English. Retrieved from http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_esl.pdf


Well structured and coherent report with a tertiary standard of writing and referencing (10%)

PASS- The report begins with a generally clear introduction. Lack of clarity in places. Text structure may lack clear organisation. Minor spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Mostly consistent approach to citation and referencing with few errors.

CREDIT – Report begins with a coherent and sound introduction. Ideas are clearly articulated using accurate sentence structure. Text structure is clearly organised. Consistent approach to citation and referencing with few errors.

DISTINCTION – Report begins with a well structured and clear introduction. High level of accuracy and control in articulation of ideas. Logical and coherent text structure. Consistent approach to citation and referencing. Logical and consistent structure

HIGH DISTINCTION – Report begins with an extremely well structured, engaging and succinct introduction. High level of accuracy and control in articulation of ideas. Logical and coherent text structure. Sustained evidence of correct citation and referencing.

Discussion of learning experiences demonstrates:knowledge and understanding of emergent literacy concepts,ability to effectively plan for emergent literacy in children,connections with subject content and evidence from documentation (30%)

PASS – A generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:
a developing understanding of most key emergent literacy concepts;basic knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing some appropriate learning experiences; some well integrated and substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation. reflects a developing understanding of most key concepts and explicit metalanguage of the subject, and includes some well integrated and substantiated connections between examples from language samples and relevant literature

CREDIT – A generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:a sound understanding of most key emergent literacy concepts;sound knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing mostly appropriate learning experiences; some explicit, perceptive and well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation. reflects a sound understanding of most key concepts and explicit metalanguage of the subject, andincludes some explicit, perceptive and well substantiated connections between examples from language samples and relevant literature.

DISTINCTION – A thorough and generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:a thorough understanding of all key emergent literacy concepts;comprehensive knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing a range of appropriate learning experiences; explicit, perceptive, integrated and generally well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation.

HIGH DISTINCTION – A well synthesised and articulated discussion, demonstrating:a deep understanding of all key emergent literacy concepts;exceptional knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing a range of appropriate learning experiences; explicit, insightful, well integrated, perceptive and well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation.

Effectively evaluates the project and articulates implications for future practice for enhancing children’s emergent literacy development(10%)

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.



This task requires you to implement an interest-based emergent literacy project with a small group of children (between three-five children in total between the ages of three and five years). Ensure you obtain parental permission. The project should be implemented over a period of time (i.e. not all on one day) and you should allow at least five weeks to plan, implement and write-up this assessment task.

To implement your emergent literacy project, you will need to:

1. Document the children’s interests to determine an appropriate story/picture book to read to the group as the starting point for your project. Consider how you will present and read the storybook to draw the children’s attention to concepts of literacy.

2. Based on the themes introduced in the book, plan and implement four (4) play-based learning experiences that focus on developing the children’s language and literacy while allowing them to learn more about their topic of interest. These experiences should introduce opportunities for talk, new vocabulary and print materials to encourage emergent literacy (oral, visual and written) understandings in the children. Your experiences should consider early childhood pedagogical practices and be mindful of the role you will play in extending the children’s literacy during the implementation of the experiences.

3. During the project, record/document your planning process and the children’s interactions (child:child and adult:child) during the learning experiences. You can document the children’s experiences and your own decision-making processes through the use of whatever recording method/s you prefer. Some possibilities include a diary, photographs and examples of children’s drawing/writing or artefacts. You should document the children’s responses which indicate how the project might contribute to their emergent literacy. A selection of this material should be included as an appendix, and referred to throughout your discussion, as outlined below.

4. Prepare and submit a written report on your project, following the guidelines below:

· Introduce your project – discuss your understanding of emergent literacy, how your project incorporated opportunities to enhance the children’s language and literacy and why the theme/topic of the project was appropriate for this group of children (approx. 250 words).

· Describe and discuss each learning experience (including the initial experience of reading the storybook) and provide a rationale for their inclusion in your project. Also think about why you planned the particular learning experience – what literacy concepts and EYLF outcomes were you aiming to achieve? What emergent literacy skills did the children demonstrate? What was your role in extending the children’s emergent literacy during the learning experience? Your discussion should be thoughtfully substantiated by reference to a range of relevant (current) literature and linked to examples from the documentation included in your appendix. Do not include all documentation collected throughout your project – just those examples you use to support your discussion (approx. 300 words for each experience – Appendix items do not count in the word limit).

Conclude your report with an evaluation and reflection on your project. Consider what worked well and not so well, what you can conclude generally about developing children’s emergent literacy, what you can conclude specifically about your ability to extend children’s emergent literacy and what you might need to think about for your future practice as an educator in enhancing children’s emergent literacy development (approx. 250 words).

The maximum length of this task is 2000 words (excluding the appendix). Work submitted beyond 10% of the required word limit will attract a 10% penalty.


The customised text for EML302 titled ‘Investigation of literacy in the early years’ published by Oxford University Press is available from the Co-op online bookshop at http://www.coop.com.au/books/investigation-of-literacy-in-the-early-years-eml302/custom-publication/9780195588460?___store=bks

Early Years Learning Outcomes (EYLF)

Halliday (2004, cited in Hill, 2012)

Chapter 1 ‘An Overview of Language and
Learning’ from Emmitt, Zbaracki, Komesaroff & Pollock (2010). Language & Learning. An
introduction for teaching (5th ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Bickley, M. (2008). Building a partnership with your child care service – an NCAC Factsheet for families. National Childcare Accreditation Council.

Bruce, T. & Spratt, J. (2011). Essentials of literacy from 0-7 years: A whole-child approach to communication, language and literacy (2nd ed.). London: Sage

Emmitt, M., Zbaracki, M., Komersaroff, L. & Pollock, J. (2010). Language and learning: An introduction for teaching (5th ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press

Fellowes, J. & Oakley, G. (2010). Language, literacy and early childhood education. Melbourne: Oxford University Press

Harris, P. (2009). Language learning in the baby and toddler years. Terrigal, NSW: David Barlow Publishing.

Kearns, K. & Austin, B. (2007). Frameworks for learning and development. Sydney, NSW: Pearson Educational

Neaum, S. (2012). Language and literacy: For the early years. Exeter: Learning Matters.

Queensland Studies Authority. (2011). Supporting Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children who speak languages other than English. Retrieved from http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_esl.pdf


Well structured and coherent report with a tertiary standard of writing and referencing (10%)

PASS- The report begins with a generally clear introduction. Lack of clarity in places. Text structure may lack clear organisation. Minor spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Mostly consistent approach to citation and referencing with few errors.

CREDIT – Report begins with a coherent and sound introduction. Ideas are clearly articulated using accurate sentence structure. Text structure is clearly organised. Consistent approach to citation and referencing with few errors.

DISTINCTION – Report begins with a well structured and clear introduction. High level of accuracy and control in articulation of ideas. Logical and coherent text structure. Consistent approach to citation and referencing. Logical and consistent structure

HIGH DISTINCTION – Report begins with an extremely well structured, engaging and succinct introduction. High level of accuracy and control in articulation of ideas. Logical and coherent text structure. Sustained evidence of correct citation and referencing.

Discussion of learning experiences demonstrates:knowledge and understanding of emergent literacy concepts,ability to effectively plan for emergent literacy in children,connections with subject content and evidence from documentation (30%)

PASS – A generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:
a developing understanding of most key emergent literacy concepts;basic knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing some appropriate learning experiences; some well integrated and substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation. reflects a developing understanding of most key concepts and explicit metalanguage of the subject, and includes some well integrated and substantiated connections between examples from language samples and relevant literature

CREDIT – A generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:a sound understanding of most key emergent literacy concepts;sound knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing mostly appropriate learning experiences; some explicit, perceptive and well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation. reflects a sound understanding of most key concepts and explicit metalanguage of the subject, andincludes some explicit, perceptive and well substantiated connections between examples from language samples and relevant literature.

DISTINCTION – A thorough and generally well articulated discussion, demonstrating:a thorough understanding of all key emergent literacy concepts;comprehensive knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing a range of appropriate learning experiences; explicit, perceptive, integrated and generally well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation.

HIGH DISTINCTION – A well synthesised and articulated discussion, demonstrating:a deep understanding of all key emergent literacy concepts;exceptional knowledge and understanding of supporting children’s emergent literacy through implementing a range of appropriate learning experiences; explicit, insightful, well integrated, perceptive and well substantiated connections with relevant literature and supporting documentation.

Effectively evaluates the project and articulates implications for future practice for enhancing children’s emergent literacy development(10%)

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